Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Saturday in Thailand

Thailand Saturday was something of a blur in the morning. I was feeling a little under the weather, so I didn't work out. I haven't since last Tuesday in Cambodia. Tomorrow!
We boarded our buses around 11ish and headed out to a dock in Bangkok, where we crossed the river to our restaurant. Nice place, great food!

Our bus ride and boat ride were filled with wonderment at the new city we were beholding. From my perspective, and I suspect from John and Jeff's, it was by far the most advanced we'd seen on our trip thus far.

We ate a great lunch and then headed up the river to the grand palace and emerald buddha. there's a lot of history i should tell you, but i'm tired and you can look it up yourself.

I can tell you that it's a beautiful place that left us first speechless and then jabbering about how different and beautiful it was.

We later went to a market to do a scavenger hunt designed to get us out and into the culture a little bit. We had a few days to do it, but started Saturday. The market was kind of the typical market here, except that it had a huge pet section where they sold squirrels, oppossum, snakes, turtles, birds, and whatever else, probably.

We took the train back to the hotel, and ate some dinner. Good times.

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