Monday, August 18, 2008

Picks from the Travel

Here's some pics from the trip. A few funnies, a lot of boring stuff, and the people I'm traveling with.

One thing that was interesting the hotel in Thailand, when I left our room to go run on the treadmill, the hallway was filled with guys in suits and with earpieces. They all whirled their heads around and some flinched and looked at me...they were gone when I came back about an hour later. However, when we left to come to Cambodia, the hallway was filled again.

I asked everyone I could in the hotel who was staying there, and all answers were basically a smile, a nod, and an "OK" or "yes." No answer.

In the van on the way to the airport, though, the driver finally coughed up a small nugget after I asked a few times. Some Cambodian bigwig was there. So I googled and found this:

1 comment:

Danni said...


I'm really bad at this...I typed my comments, then signed in and now I'm starting over!

So here goes...

This is certainly an exotic trip you're taking, and I hear as soon as you come home you're headed back to Hong Kong on business! Such a busy schedule, but oh those frequent flier miles are mounting!

Your pictures are fabulous and very exotic! Even though the cigar box one is over the top for me...

Going by the pictures, you sure seem to be having a great time!

The Thailand hotle incident sounds
very intriguing...

Sorry I didn't get to speak with you before you left, but it's noting critical, just something I want to run by you and Brian. We can catch up when your business trip is over.

Travel safe and be well.

Danni and Carlos